About Us

For single and independent women it seems harder and harder to meet friends in a similar season of life. While it feels like every conversation in our friend circle is focused on marriage and children, many of us have wondered if there are other women out there in the same boat who are yearning to connect on a different level. The answer is YES!

Enter a global quarantine, which spotlighted women living independently around the world who were feeling alone and isolated during this time. The Contemporary Connection was created to bring these independent women together and make social distancing easier. However, it quickly became clear that this was a community single and independent women had been searching for beyond just a moment in time.

What started as one virtual “Girls Night In” has blossomed into an amazing social and networking group full of new friends. We talk daily in our private Facebook Group and gather weekly through social and educational virtual events. Our global community is a space where women can get to know each other better, socialize, have intimate discussions in a safe space and bond over our commonalities.

Alyssa Zonghetti, Founder

Turning 40 and being single during a pandemic isn’t what anyone plans for their life. I mean what happened to the white picket fence, 2.5 kids and the dog I am supposed to have?! Oh right, that is back in 1950. But here I am living my best solo life (or trying to anyway) and embracing the journey.

I have always been passionate about bringing people together (I think it’s the Italian in me or my years working in Hospitality). Whether it’s for outings, dinner clubs or neighborhood gatherings, I’ve always been the social organizer. In fact, for the last 18 years it was truly what I lived for as a corporate event planner!

Despite all my planning, life has definitely thrown me some major curve balls including going through a divorce and losing my estranged husband to suicide at the age of 31. Since that time, I have dreamed about something bigger that would bring women together. I realize now, more than ever, people need connection and to feel that they belong somewhere. Those “people” for me are other single and independent women.

In bringing this dream of a community together, I was inspired by the visual of a Malin Arrow, which symbolizes that “you have to face setbacks in order to go forward.” This symbol is incorporated in our logo as a reminder that setbacks and downfalls in your life are just a progression and part of the experience of living. And, by being a part of our community, you will always feel empowered and supported in your journey forward.

Encouraging discussions, education, collaboration and connection in a community is what inspires me and drives me to continuously connect with independent women across the globe from different social, cultural, professional and economic circles. My mission is to bring as many of us together as possible and to support each other through our common bond – living our best solo life.

Learn more about our founder and ways to work with her!